4. Audience Obsession

Description: Successful events have Audience Obsession! Audience Obsession is defined as, “everything is obsessively designed for those we seek to serve.” Events without Audience Obsession will often fall flat, attendance will be low, and we don’t achieve their goals! In this module you will learn how to cultivate audience obsession in your event, marketing, messaging and in your “ask”. Events with Audience Obsession are significantly more likely to be successful!

Length: 37 Minutes

Next Steps:

  1. Answer the Audience Obsession Questions on the Simple Secret PDF

  2. Complete the Audience Obsession Assessment (only takes 5 minutes)

  3. Watch Module 5 | Logistics + Execution

  4. Schedule an Audience Obsession Workshop with Ben Jacobson

  • Funnel Workshop (75 Minutes)

  • Persona Workshop (75 Minutes)

  • The Story They Tell Themselves Workshop (75 Minutes)

  • Audience Obsession Deep Dive (Half or Full day)

Additional Questions:

  1. Where is your audience now? (Point A) What are their pains? Frustrations? Ambitions and desires?

  2. Where do we want them to go? How do we want them to change/grow?

  3. What is better and different after they have attended your event?

  4. What do you want them to KNOW when your event is done?

  5. What do you want them to DO when your event is done?

  6. What do you want them to FEEL when your event is done?

  7. What does your audience believe?

  8. How does your event help others connect with the “people like us”

  9. How does your event help people “Do things like this”

  10. With this concept in mind, what changes would you make to your marketing or programming?

  11. How does your event create and connect a “tribe”?

  12. What makes your tribe unique?

  13. What story do your attendees tell themselves because they attend your event or interact with your organization?

  14. How could you help your attendees tell themselves a better story?

  15. What do your attendees believe about themselves before attending your event?

  16. What do your attendees believe about themselves after attending your event?

  17. What high-impact ways could you incorporate this into your marketing?

Additional Resources:

Intro to creating personas

Fyre Festival Documentary on Netflix

Life Church Podcast - Craig Groeschel - Know, Feel, Do

This is Marketing - Seth Godin

People Like us do things like this PDF - Seth Godin

Tribes - Seth Godin

All Marketers are Liars - Seth Godin

Building a Story Brand - Donald Miller