5. Logistics + Execution

Description: The final element of successful events is Logistics + Execution. Logistics + Execution is defined as, “We create programming that engages our target audience and contributes to the goals of the organization.” To make sure that you are executing a successful event, make sure that you pay attention to the catalytic tips and tricks outlined in the module.

Length: 31 Minutes

Next Steps:

  1. Answer the Logistics + Execution Questions on The Simple Secret PDF

  2. Take the Logistics and Execution Assessment (10 Minutes)

  3. Watch Module 6 | Tips for Working With Leadership and Discover Your Working Genius

  4. Schedule a Logistics + Execution Workshop with Ben Jacobson

    Catalytic Tip Workshop  (30 Minutes)

    Event Logistics/Catalytic Tips Deep Dive (half day)

    Vendor, Venue, Hotel & Contract Review/Services (Time TBD)

Additional Questions:

  1. How do you think this score (good or bad) plays out in your event?

  2. If you were to implement the 80/20 rule into your logistics and execution, how would that affect your event and the planning process?

  3. If you were to implement the Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand into your logistics and execution, how would that affect your planning process?

  4. What are the Rocks for your event?

  5. If you were to implement the Minimum Viable Product into your logistics and execution, how would that affect the planning process?

  6. What is the Minimum Viable Product for your event?

  7. Do you feel like your programming is already aligned to your audience and what the Organization needs?

  8. Does your event planning team easily know what programming is best?

  9. What programming will best achieve your organizational goals?

  10. 5 Do you have clearly defined measures of success for the event and do you have full team and stakeholder buy-in on these measures of success?

  11. What changes would you make for the following categories if you put yourself in the attendee’s shoes?





  12. What critical actions are you going to take make sure key areas and details aren’t missed?

  13. What programming will best engage your target audience? Finish this sentence: The event will be successful if….

    1. Measure of Success

    2. Measure of Success

    3. Measure of Success

    4. Measure of Success

    5. Measure of Success

Additional Resources:

ABC’s of Event Planning - Jacobson Events PDF

Putting Yourself in the Attendee’s Shoes - Article Written by Ben Jacobson

Jacobson Events Budget Template

Thrashing and the Lizard Brain - Seth Godin 17 minute video