3. Organizational Alignment

Description: In this module, we will go in-depth on the element of Organizational Alignment. Successful events have Organizational Alignment which means, “the event MUST contribute to long-term and short-term organizational goals, flow from your “why” and make a positive impact for the organization.” Learn how to add more organizational alignment to your event through this module.

Length: 19 Minutes

Next Steps:

  1. Answer the Organizational Alignment Questions on the Simple Secret PDF.

  2. Take the Organizational Alignment Assessment.

  3. Schedule a Convo with Ben to discuss an Organizational Alignment Evaluation Workshop with Ben Jacobson (1-4 Hours)

  4. Watch Module 4 | Audience Obsession

Additional Question:

  1. What is your Organization’s “Why”?

  2. What values or beliefs does your organization hold deeply?

  3. How does your organization respond when the what or the how is changed?

  4. What is your organization Deeply Passionate about?

  5. What drives your organization’s impact/economic engine?

  6. What is your organization best in the world at?

  7. How could your event flow from your hedgehog concept better?

  8. What long-term change does your organization want to make in the world? (50-year)

  9. What must be different or true in 3 years to achieve your 50-year goal?

  10. What is most important now (3-12 months) to achieve your 3-year goal?

  11. What critical actions must we take now to achieve our near-term goals?

  12. How does this event help us achieve the changed world?

  13. How does this event help us build towards our 3-year goal?

  14. How does this event contribute to the near-term goals?

  15. What critical actions will l/we take in the next 60 days to gain clarity and achieve better alignment?